Kategori: Allmänt

Life is easy the way I see it now when I'm doing things that are right. I remember things that I used to do in my past and today when I look back on these days I will never want to to go back. Because I must say I was playing in the top teams and top leauges but I was not happy with my life some way. It such a big different to live this way now. I must say if I could turn the clock around to be happy as I am now I would, but the past is the past and the present is what matters. The old Dulee Johnson that people knows that had problems is all over. I am now happy with everything around me and I feel in some way that this is two games I have to win; 1st outside the field and 2nd one the field. I HAVE ALREADY WON THE FIRST OUTSIDE THE FIELD AND THE SECOND IS NOW FOR ME TO WIN ON THE FIELD.
 / Dulee Johnson


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