Kategori: Allmänt

These two days here in Gothenburg with my lovely kids have been just wonderful. So much love and happiness and we all had alot of fun together. Yesterday we went out eating after we went to a playground were we spend alot of hours together. 
Today we had the same fun. We went out to play minigolf and it was really great to see how good and smart my kids are. They all did really well today and it's great to see what a big talent they have.
It's really great to see alot of changes; now when im not drinking I can see and enjoy life in a different way. 
 / Dulee Johnson


  • Martin Mutumba säger:

    Broshan jag e glad å se att allt e bra med dej broder. Du har jette fina barn junior helsa han från mej så muke jag såg han förra året mot Gais bårta. Bror du best allt kåmmer bli bra NET!!!!

    Svar: Hi Bro! Thanks for your support. I am very happy with life. Life is all about be strong and pray for God to do the rest.
    Dulee Johnson

    2013-07-11 | 23:50:00

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